Shining the Light with Thandeka Gqubule-Mbeki

Thandeka Gqubule-Mbeki (class of 1983) is the very first black girl who entered Epworth School in January of 1979.

The role Thandeka plays in the public eye today is no surprise at all. She is an Economics Editor at the SABC where she was one of the “SABC 8” who stood up to growing censorship at the public broadcaster. She holds a Master’s degree in Journalism from Columbia University, New York, and several business qualifications from Wits Business School, London School of Economics and Said Business School, Oxford University. She has worked in various editorial capacities in the South African Press including, as Associate Editor at the Financial Mail. She has taught journalism at Rhodes University, Grahamstown and Monash South Africa. She was awarded the Nat Nakasa press freedom award in 2016.

She is the author of “No Longer Whispering to Power”, a compelling and sobering read of Thuli Madonsela’s story as Public Protector.

Thandeka is a specialist in her field and her praises are endless. Our light shines brightly on her today.

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